We are back from next month following the government guidelines offering you the best TV presenter Courses in the UK! Join our team of passionate media experts on one of our our 4 Day TV Presenter Masterclasses running every month throughout the year.
Courses are design for beginners to the industry, ideal for aspiring TV presenters, YouTubers Influencers, infact for anyone who wants or needs to get in front of the camera! More info here: https://www.aspirepresenting.com/4-day-tv-presenter-masterclass
Get the very best coaching and support with Aspire.
Try us for FREE? Our next FREE open day session is on Sunday 21st Feb 2021 at 4:30pm - spaces limited and you can book you place here: https://www.aspirepresenting.com/tv-presenter-free-open-day
We look forward to welcoming you soon!
Darren, Sean and the team

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